Thursday 26 December 2013

Sambal Tempoyak Daun Kayu

Sambal Tempoyak Daun Kayu:

Sambal Tempoyak Daun Kayu is fantastic Negeri Sembilan dishes. It is made from finely shredded tapioca (ubi kayu in Malay) and turmeric (kunyit in Malay) shoots, some petai (stinky beans) and pumpkin that is cooked with lemongrass, shallots, garlic, santan, turmeric and chili padi pounded together. The original recipe would contain more than 40 types of leaves and plants, including some rare species such as the Pucuk Lidah Kerbau, Sulur Keladi Birah, Pucuk Tetek, Pucuk Pelanduk and Pucuk Sekentut. Sambal Tempoyak Daun Kayu usually server with steamed rice.Negeri Sembilan is rich with delicious dishes such as Kerabu (a kind of spicy salad), Sambal Belimbing (star fruit Sambal), Sambal Tempoyak (fermented durian Sambal), duck egg cooked with coconut milk and hot chilies, hot and sour yams.

1 tie of tapioca
8 stalks of lemongrass
5 tumeric leaves
10 pucuk kaduk leaves
5 leave of pumpkin shoots
500gm tempoyak
200gm chillies
100gm anchovies
4 board of petai
300gm prawns
1 inch tumeric
salt and sugar
2 cloves of coconut milk
2-3 cayenne pepper

Mi Bandung

Mi Bandung

Noodles or Mee Bandung is a traditional food dishes and famous who hails from Muar, Johor, Malaysia.Perkataan 'pair' in the name stems from the sense of the word, which means'double' or 'twin' or 'pairs' in which a doubles or mixed with something else. Such as 'Syrup Bandung' to drink milk paired with a rose flavored syrup or 'detached houses' for detached houses.For Mee Bandung coupling it is cooking noodles and eggs only in the past, it is called such, in addition to the ingredients mix together chili and spiced fried onion, shrimp paste and dried shrimp; before it is added with additives such as shrimp, meat, fish cake and vegetables now.


1pack noodles
100g medium size prawn
100g beef(sliced thinly)
2 eggs
2 tbs chillies paste
2 tbs oyster sauce
1 tbs chillie ketchup
1 tbs puree
1 onion(sliced)
4 red onions(pound)
2 cloves garlic
1 tomatoe(cut into wedges)
5 cups of water
cooking oil

Ayam Masak Habang

Ayam Masak Habang/Merah

Ayam Masak Habang is classic dish from Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan)that often sells at many eateris in the area of nasi campur.To translate its name litterally,ayam means chicken, masak mean cooked or to cook, and habang means red.Most indonesian recipies apply fresh red cayenne peppers,however this recipes use dried forms to get a darker coulour.This recipe is similar to Malaysian Ayam Masak Merah which is actually the same meaning of habang.

1kg chicken pieces
1 lime
5 pieces salam leave
4cm cinnamons
4 cloves
300 ml of boiled water
100ml cooking oil

Spices to be ground-
3 ginger(peeled)
125 gram shallot
100 gram of garlics
3 tbs grounded red chillies pepper
4 tbs coconut sugar
1 tsp dried shrimp paste
1 tps tamarind.dissolved in a small amount of seasalt water

Ayam Percik Seri Menanti

Ayam Percik

Ayam percik is a dish infused with various Malay spices.When prepared properly,you not only get a piece of chicken that is succulent and full of flavor,but also crisp on the outside.This is not a difficult dish to prepare,but it does require a fair bit attention during the preparation process.Percik in Malay means splash/drizzle/sprinkle,which basically means the chicken is percik’ed every so often to ensured that layers of spices are coated in the cooking process.What will you get at the end of the day is a thick fragrant texture and moist pieces of meat.


6 pieces of chicken thigh
3 tsp of tumeric powder
Thumb size of galangal(can subtitute with ginger)
3 stalk of lemongrass(chopped fine from the root-white part only)
Pinch of salt
1 tbs sugar
1 tbs chillie powder
6 shallots
50ml coconut milk
3 tbs tamarind juice

Lahori Murgh Karachi

Lahori Murgh

Lahori Murgh Cholay is one of the most popular dish of Punjab, Road Side vendors are selling this stuff in all seasons in parks, in bazaars in Industrial areas. Cholay means Kabuli Channa in Punjabi and Murgh Means Chicken.But in Malaysia it is hard to find and this recipe we brought to Negeri Sembilan.


1Kg. Chicken
4-5 Tomatoes 
2 Medium size Onion chopped
5-6 Whole Green Chilies
1/2 tsp Ground Black Pepper (Kali Mirch)
1 tsp. Salt (according to your taste)
5 tbs. Canola Oil
2 tsp Garlic (Lehsan) paste
1 tsp. Ginger (Adrak) paste 
1 tsp. Red Chillie
1 Lemon
1-2 Cardamom

2 tsp. Coriander Powder

Masak Lemak Cili Api

Ayam Masak Lemak Cili Api

Negeri Sembilan is a very special state with a strong Minangkabau culture.Masak Lemak Cili Api is recipes that can satisfy many tastes.Masak Lemak Cili Api trademark of Negeri Sembilan cuisine.The yellow colour of the gravy comes from the addition of fresh turmeric. Chillies give this dish plenty of heat. Eat it with rice for a satisfying lunch


                                                         Welcome To Our Website

This website is newly opened restaurant in Negeri Sembilan.This restaurant named WARISAN because we provide traditional Negeri Sembilan food,Malaysian traditional food with thai influence as well.We serve a menu according to customer demand because on a normal day,most of them are locals while in weekends,foreigner customers.However,if the customer ask for the menu is not on the list,we still receive and make it available.Here,visitors can Dine while enjoying the beauty of nature in the traditional village and hard to come by in most  places.


During this holidays,we offe discount right to all kind of food to purchase of RM150 and above.In addition, there are a variety of traditional performances are organized by us on the day.We also will give a keychain to 300 visitors earliest dine in our restaurant as a thank for choosing our restaurant for dining.

P/s:this website for study purpose only :D